2011 Show Roster
4/9 Bit By Bit Dressage Show Brocious
1. Steph and Zip 3 tests
2. Grace and Duncan 3 tests
3. Haley and Thunder 3 tests
4. Nicole and Starlight 3 tests
5. Alyssa and Barney 3 tests
5/22 Hidden Creek Dressage Show Wooding, Thompson
1. Jess and Mawby 3 tests
2. Nicole and Starlight 3 tests
3. Steph and Zip 2 tests + quadrille
4. Rachel and Zip 2 tests H.C.
5. Haley and Thunder 1 test + quadrille
6. Ashley and Thunder 2 tests
7. Grace and Duncan 1 test + quadrille
8. Danielle and Duncan 2 tests
9. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
10. Judy and Dolly 2 tests
11. Kylie and Sorcerer 3 tests
12. Kailey and Nemo 2 leadline
13. Becky and Mac quadrille
14. Becky and Rufus 2 tests
15. Ed and Bally 2 tests
16. Ed and Chance 2 tests
17. Jill and Uli 2 tests
18. Jill and Grande 2 tests
5/25 Applewood Dressage and CT
1. Ed and Bally 1 test + CT
2. Alyssa and Barney 2 tests + CT
6/4 Smooth Transitions Dressage Ash
1. Danielle and Duncan 3 tests
2. Laurel and Zip 2 tests
3. Alyssa and Barney 3 tests
6/21 Bucks County Tuesday
1. Meagan and Mawby 3 tests
2. Alyssa and Barney 3 tests
6/22 Applewood Dressage and CT
1. Ed and Chance 1 test + CT
2. Alyssa and Barney 2 tests + CT
6/26 Hidden Creek Dressage Show Schmidt, McLaughlin
1. Steph and Zip 2 tests + quadrille
2. Laurel and Zip 1 test
3. Haley and Thunder 1 or 2 tests + quadrille + freestyle
4. Grace and Duncan 2 or 3 tests + quadrille
5. Nicole and Starlight 3 tests
6. Jess and Mawby 2 tests
7. Meagan and Mawby 1 test
8. Kylie and Sorcerer 2 tests + quadrille
9. Alyssa and Barney 3 tests + quadrille
10. Judy and Dolly 2 tests
11. Kailey and Nemo 2 leadline
12. Ed and Uli quadrille
13. Ed and Bally 2 tests
14. Ed and Chance 2 tests
15. Becky and Rufus 2 tests + quadrille
16. Becky and Mac quadrille
17. Becky and Tobey 2-3 tests
18. Jill and Grande 2 tests
19. Jill and Uli 2 tests
7/30 Bit By Bit Combined Training Thompson
1. Ashley and Thunder 2 tests + CT
2. Kylie and Sorcerer 2 tests + CT
3. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
4. Jess and Mawby 1 test + CT
5. Meagan and Mawby 1 test
6. Steph and Zip 2 tests
7. Laurel and Zip 1 test
8. Alyssa and Barney 2 tests + CT
9. Ed OR Becky
8/6 Smooth Transitions Show Haase
1. Laurel and Zip 2 tests
2. Kylie and Sorcerer 3 tests
3. Danielle and Duncan 3 tests
8/14 Hidden Creek Dressage and CT Gimbel, Cox
1. Steph and Zip 1 test + quadrille
2. Alex and Zip CT
3. Haley and Thunder 1 or 2 tests + freestyle + quadrille
4. Grace and Duncan 1 test + quadrille
5. Danielle and Duncan 2 tests
6. Meagan and Mawby 1 test + CT
7. Jess and Mawby CT
8. Nicole and Starlight 2 tests
9. Melodie and Starlight 1 test
10. Judy and Dolly 2 tests
11. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
12. Kylie and Sorcerer 1 test + CT + quadrille
13. Alyssa and Barney 1 test + CT + quadrille
14. Jessie and Grande MFS
15. Ed and Uli quadrille
16. Becky and Mac quadrille
17. Becky and Rufus MFS + quadrille + CT
18. Ed and Bally CT
19. Ed and Chance CT
20. Jill and Uli 2 tests
8/16 Bucks County Tuesday
1. Alyssa and Barney 3 tests
2. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
8/17 Applewood Combined Training Schmidt, Stapel
1. Jessie and Grande MFS + 1 test?
2. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
8/20 Bit By Bit Combined Training Ash
1. Becky and Rufus MFS + CT
2. Ashley and Thunder CT
3. Haley and Thunder 2 tests
4. Grace and Duncan 2 or 3 tests
5. Alyssa and Barney 2 tests + CT
6. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
7. Jess and Mawby 2 tests + CT –or- 3 tests
9/11 Hidden Creek Combined Training Griffin, Ash
1. Kylie and Sorcerer 1 test + CT + quadrille
2. Ashley and Thunder 2 tests + CT
3. Danielle and Duncan 3 tests
4. Jess and Mawby 2 tests + CT
5. Melodie and Starlight 2 tests
6. Judy and Dolly 2 tests
7. Alyssa and Barney 1 test + CT + quadrille
8. Steph and Zip 3 tests
9. Alex and Zip CT
10. Ann and Tobey 3 tests
11. Jessie and Grande MFS
12. Jill and Uli 2 tests
13. Ed and Uli quadrille
14. Becky and Rufus quadrille + CT + MFS
15. Ed and Bally CT
16. Ed and Chance CT
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